Need Car Finance
We are experts in providing car finance for most people regardless of their past credit history, we are here to help and our information is free, we can offer some basic advice on debt counselling including the process in regard to the early settlement of an existing car finance agreement, we can also offer advice in regard to the options available for those customers who are in a negative equity position on their vehicle and how this may affect your decision to purchase or to defer you purchase decision to a later time when you have moved back into a positive equity position, we will discuss all the options available to you without influencing your decision , our aim is to provide the information on the products that are currently available which help you as a customer to make an informed decision, in our view we consider our process as treating the customer fairly.
There are many different finance products available on the market, you need to be sure that you are looking at the best product for your circumstances, In general we offer our services to those people who have had previous bad credit issues and are unable to obtain finance from the mainstream finance providers, however as this is not always the case if we discover that we are able to obtain finance through a more competitive lender we will inform you of this and offer that option, depending on your individual circumstances your credit risk may also mean that you may have to pay considerably more than you would from one of the mainstream prime finance companies, however we try to keep our process transparent and keep you informed so you are able choose the best option for you., we try to minimise credit searches for the customer as this can affect your credit score but if you are confident that you can obtain finance via one of the mainstream finance companies please advise us early during the process and we will process your application through the prime channels.
We can help all customers with the following:
- Late or Missed Payments
- Self Employed
- CCJ's Defaults, Arrears
- New Job
- HM Forces
- EX Bankrupt
- Low Credit Score
- Previously Declined
- Provisional Licence
- Not On Voters Roll